Ford Judo Club Complaint's & Disciplinary Procedure
Ford Judo Club wishes to ensure the health, safety, welfare and well being of all members and visitors to our club. As such we cannot tolerate any behavior or actions that may deleteriously affect those above, our neighbours or bring the clubs’ good name into disrepute.
We will:
- Teach the Judo Code to all members
- Ensure that our codes of conduct are available to all.
- Act swiftly to resolve disputes and to maintain high standards of discipline and respect.
- Investigate all complaints without prejudice and with due regard to the any obligations to the British Judo Association.
This procedure covers any necessary disciplinary action or actions as a result of a complaint or incident.
All officials, members, parents, guardians or others attending one of our venues or an external venues as part of, or on behalf of Bishops Stortford Judokwai are covered by this document.
Making a Compliant
Complaints should ideally be put in writing and passed to the club's Chair or Welfare Officer.
Where this is inappropriate or impracticable, complaints may be made in person to a club Committee Member or Coach who will record the details either at the time or later where this is not possible.
All complaints will be dealt with in the strictest confidence and, where possible, the name of the complainant will not be divulged.
All complaints will be investigated by the club's Chair, Welfare Officers, Committee Members or Coaches as required.
All findings will be recorded and solutions discussed and where possible, resolved by a minimum of three Club Committee Members.
Discussion may be face to face, by telephone or via electronic means.
Matters involving child welfare issues will only be dealt with by those who have been suitably trained.
We will endeavour to resolve issues as soon as is practicable, and to communicate to the person making the complaint in a clear and concise form.
Where necessary, the resolution will be communicated to any others as may be necessary to ensure that actions are taken and followed.
Where the complaint cannot be resolved within the club, and the nature of the complaint falls within their jurisdiction, the complaint shall be escalated to the British Judo Association.
Complaints should be sent in writing along with the name and address of the person making the complaint to:
Chairman, Complaints and Conduct Panel,
British Judo Association,
Floor 1, Kudhail House,
238 Birmingham Road,
Great Barr.
B43 7AH
Ford Judo club reserves the right to take disciplinary action against any person or persons who:
- Occasion a physical assault within our dojo’s or in the immediate vicinity of our venues or when at another as part of our Judo activities.
- Threaten a physical assault within our dojo’s or in the immediate vicinity of our venues or when at another as part of our Judo activities.
- Verbally assault or abuse any member, parent, guardian, visitor, coach or officer of the club.
- Harass, bully or belittle any of those mentioned above.
- Cause emotional or physical distress or pressure to any judoka who is active on the mat during their session.
- Disrupt training sessions.
- Enter any venue unfit by drink or drugs.
- Steal or attempt to steal property of the club, members or visitors.
- Sell or attempt to sell drugs or other materials considered illegal or undesirable.
- Occasion any behaviour that risks the health safety any welfare of those attending our club.
- Occasion any behaviour in person or by written or electronic means that brings the club or the sport of judo into disrepute.
Actions will be decided and implemented, where practicable, at the time of the incident by club officers/coaches present.
This may include:
- A verbal caution by a club officer/coach.
- A period ban from the club's venue.
- Permanent expulsion from the club.
- Intervention by the Police.